rilke cornet interpretation
It is no more a book on war and heroism than the Geschichten vow lieben Gott or Das Stundenbuch are religious writings. . . Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA. Finally, with regard to the content of the Elegies, Rilke confidently claims that they contain a message which is profound, new and metaphysical or, to be more precise, religious. Rainer Maria Riie, "August Rodin," Gesammelte Werke (Leipzig: Insel, 1927), vol. Alle lauschen. Rainer Maria Rilkes Blaue Hortensie. 'Thus Paul de Man's general insight also applies to R. M. Rilke: "There always is a strange fascination about the bad verse that great poets write in their youth. In a letter to Clara of 1906 Rilke criticized the preemi- nent concern with the formal dimension of the work as its "oberflachliche anschauungs- lose Darstellung."' Garten-denkt er und Iachelt") and reality ("die sechzehn runden Sabel" [68]) struggle for domination before the aesthetic power fi- nally resolves this fight in the poetic image of the fountain, exuberant in laughter. The image of the circle stands for the moment of full con- centration, for the state of self-collection the young Cornet could achieve after having "gathered" himself, pulled himself out of the various modes of dispersion; "sammeln" was the directive in the poem quoted above, and it recurs programmatically in Cornet when the soldiers ask Christoph Rilke to act (65). Dann tausend dahinter: Das Heer.“ (S. 16) Rilkes neue Kompagnie liegt in der Nähe des Flusses Raab. . Von uns darf nichts iibrig bleiben. Garten- denkt er und Iachelt. The young Cornet Christoph Rilke is a por- trait of an artist. Letter to Alois Schreier (18 September 1924). It describes a captured panther behind bars, as it was exhibited in the Ménagerie of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The neo-romantic elements of Rilke's aesthetic veneration of youth themselves in a sentimentality that was bound to keep the reader from discerning too easily the programmatic message of the text. 42 and 44. René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke (4 December 1875 – 29 December 1926), better known as Rainer Maria Rilke (German: [ˈʁaɪnɐ maˈʁiːa ˈʁɪlkə]), was a Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist. Nichts wagt aufzustehen. And if it is true that the poet, when he speaks from his heart, says something which concerns us all, then such poems as the Elegies throw some light on the processes and forces which surge up from the dark depths of history. "Klein war . Knowing that the completion of the Elegies was of vital importance, he waited for his inspiration to return, but in vain. "'~Blanchot writes: Dans cet effroi pour la mort en serie, il y a la tristesse de l'artiste qui honore les choses bien faites, qui veut faire cette oeuvre et faire de la mort son oeuvre. Analyse und Interpretation „Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke“ ist eine ebenso poetische wie dramatische Erzählung, die Rilke 1899 in nur einer Nacht schrieb. Read in the context of the "Florence diary," this poetological consideration becomes tangible as part of an aesthetic theory: Wirklich: die Stimmung, die ein Bild oder ein Gedicht hervorruft, gleicht in so vie- lem Sinn einem Lied. If a poet says “It is so,” he has committed himself to a declaration and he is entitled to demand our serious attention. Rilke pointed out that aesthetically his Cornet consists primarily of the representa- tion of movement -precisely on the phenom- enon Jugendstil derived from its appreciation of the "line" and its dynamic organization as ornament. nur dem Kiinstler selbst Erlosung werden kann. Der Schrecken hat um ihn einen runden Raum gemacht, under halt, mitten drin, unter seiner langsam verlo- dernden Fahne. They pass infinitely far beyond me.”, He thus claimed more for his poems than the beauty or profundity of great literature. Jemand erzahlt von seiner Mutter. Already in the aesthetic program of the young Rilke the figure of the circle, the ring, is of considerable importance. Indeed the reader of the Elegies must try to imagine the poet being guided by a “spirit” which presented him with images and ideas as he wrote. The problem may be put as follows. In Cornet one can distinguish the same steps leading to a grand finale in which the notion of the festival ani- mates the garden-like surrounding: Aber, als es jetzt hinter ihm zusammenschlagt, sind es doch wieder Garten, und die sechzehn runden Sabel, die auf ihn zuspringen, Strahl um Strahl, sind ein Fest. Es ist eine große Ehre für den jungen Mann. For Rilke the rose is an outstanding symbol for the work of art which, in its turn, resembles the qualities of the art- ist, represented by the French soldier. The recurring notion of the circle in Cornet is therefore meaningful for the piece as such. The notion of "youth" certainly points to the context of Jugendstil in which Cornet is located. Rainer Maria Rilke’s intellectual and spiritual horizon was broad. And how many, who for one reason or another believe themselves to be torn within, might not derive a peculiar consolation from this example of continuity. "'"'Feeling" becomes understanding, that is, an essentially non-con- ceptual mode of perception. Another quote from Rilke's "Florence diary" illustrates to what extent the images at the end of Cornet represent the author's idea of artistic produc- tion: Des Kunstlers Schaffen ist ein Ordnen: er stellt aus sich hinaus ale Dinge, die klein und verganglich sind: seine einsa- men Leiden, seine unbestirnmten Wiin- sche, seine angstlichen Traume und jene Freuden, welche welken werden. With the metaphor of the garland Rike des- ignates a characteristic feature of Cornet as a whole. In addition, the ring form is capable of demon- strating the self-satiated nature of the poetic enterprise which, according to the young Rilke (who had come to leave the social pro- gram of his Wegwartenbehind), is an endeavor that contains its means within itself. Rilke’s letters from Muzot show how close was the relation which he felt to exist between the Elegies and the Sonnets. It grew to such an extent that any criticism of Rilke was in danger of being ignored or rejected out of hand. und noch nicht weil3, was aus dem Ganzen wird- : so fiigt er seine Worte" (26). Je te retiens, tu t'etales, prodigieuse actrice.'". It seems to be this strong adherence of Cornet to the aes- thetic program of Jugendstil that was respon-, sible for Rilke's ambivalent stance toward the piece. . Rainer Maria Riie, Tagebiicher aus der Friihzeit (Leipzig, 1942) 38. . 4: 320. In a letter to Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke communicates such an experi- ence: Ich las eine Hymne eines poeta ignoto . Spork ernennt Rilke zum Cornet, zum Fahnenträger. "Die Weise von Liebe und Tod . Es starben Abermillionen von Menschen im Zweiten Weltkrieg, aber in seinem Cornet, komponiert 1942–1943 nach Rainer Maria Rilkes Gedicht, konzentriert sich Frank Martin auf das Schicksal, auf den Tod, eines einzelnen Menschen. A Journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life, by Romano Guardini In a letter to Andre Gide, Rilke specified this movement by calling it "rhythm," a term that encompasses more than only the musical or phonetic qualities of the work. .Iq. This artistic movement directed toward "Selbstempfang""' articulates itself in Cornet in a reflection upon the path the young Cornet must take. Hence the task of interpreting the Elegies necessarily involves us in another task which cannot be dismissed lightly—that of defining our attitude to their content. Walter Simon (Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1974) 159; hereafter: Simon. The artist does not experience his working as a truly happy, suc- cessful event until now: "Dann wird es weit in ihm und festlich, und er schuf das wiirdige Heim fir-sich selbst." In his insistence on the youthful- ness of the whole undertaking one must see more than the mere attempt to apologize for the artistic weakness of some of its features. Dann tausend dahinter: Das Heer.“ (S. 16) Rilkes neue Kompagnie liegt in der Nähe des Flusses Raab. Dann wird es weit in ihrn und festlich, und er schuf das wiirdige Heim fiir-sich ~elbst.~'. He also wrote The Tale of the Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke , which became a great popular success. This means that it must not only be sincere, and authentic but must also grasp the nature of Being. . This is clear both from the way in which the Elegies were composed and from his manner of referring to them. The comparison to the religious ceremony of the communion (''Als ob man eine Hostie bricht" [50]) is hardly astonishing, since it picks up the notion of the circular shape and thus merges the realms of art and religion in the syncretic manner typical for the young Riike. ), Portrait of the Artist as a Young Soldier: Rainer Maria Rilke's Cornet, No tags found. Eine überarbeitete Version schenkte er 1904 Stefan Zweig; auf ihr basierte die (wenig erfolgreiche) erste Buchveröffentlichung von 1906 beim Verlag Axel Juncker. The thoughtful- ness with which the narrator chooses his words as well as the two elliptic focal points of his ephemeral story-joy and sorrow- parallel Rilke's undertalung, but this parallel is not yet exhausted. The passage quoted above from Rilke's letter to Alois Schreier is one of his numerous statements on the early prose- poem, the aesthetic qualities of which Rilke never ceased to question and criticize. Most of Rilke’s German public continued to read chiefly the Lay of Cornet Christoph Rilke, the Book of Hours, or the Life of the Virgin Mary. Ich fiihle ja: sich nur werden lassen, nicht drangen und nicht griibeln. The idea would never have occurred to a cultured Greek that it was not permissible to question the truth of a poet’s statement about human life or the gods. In the third segment of the text the art of storytelling is described as an activity carried out with circumspect slowness as well as with decisiveness. Almost at the same time another work, the Sonnets to Orpheus, was taking shape in his mind and trying with equal urgency to find expression. During his Paris years Rilke developed a new style of lyrical poetry. It is important to realize the significance of the metaphorical structure of the "garland" for the character of the entire piece; an analy- sis of its presence makes possible the transi- tion from a merely stylistic discussion of the text to one that encompasses the work in its entirety. It is perhaps not surprising that this reaction should have been called forth particularly by the Duino Elegies which sprang from depths of the mind which are apparently remote from anything in rational experience. From the very center of the events, he produces his own world-a lonely act of spatial and tem- poral distancing from the external world as well as one of beautification of reality. He also wrote The Tale of the Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke , which became a great popular success. And yet, the presence of the ring structure is not confined to this neo-romantic idea, ac- cording to which one's course of life describes a circle. Ganz in Eisen, groß. "Simon 84. The portrayal of the knight in the poem "Der Ritter" (from Das Buch der Bilder) shows that for the young Rilke the development of the artist embraces moments of violent acts, which the metaphoric field of war is able to express: Wann wird die Klinge springen uber die Eisenhecke, die fremde befreiende Klinge, die mich aus meinem Verstecke holt, drin ich so viele gebuckte Tage verbringe, -da13 ich mich endlich strecke und spiele und singe.'". And we can probably say with some confidence that no one today reading a poem naturally and spontaneously would assess its merit according to its aesthetic value alone or by its dependence on sources. The Most Revolutionary Philosopher Since Plato? Underlying the Eighth Elegy, for instance, there is an experience of life which is bound to be unfamiliar to the majority of readers. He is "widely recognized as one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets". Rainer Maria Rilke’s intellectual and spiritual horizon was broad. This is the typical picture of truly youthful creation, in which inspiration and enthusiasm guide the pen of a writer unconcerned with history, documents, and the very craft of form- ing verses. It is essentially an activity that forms and determines its own course and structure during the process of its reali- zation: ". Sogar das Spucken hort auf. In the very fist narrative passage, immediately following the introduction of the chronicler, one reads: "Vielleicht kehren wir nachtens immer wieder das Stuck zuriick, das wir in der fremden Sonne miihsam gewonnen haben? For a man who had felt himself divided to his very depths by the dreadful pressure of those years into a Then and a Now which was perishing and irreconcilable with the past—for such a man to experience the grace of perceiving how, in the secret depths beneath this open rupture, the continuity of his work and his mind had been restored . der gluht und sich verneint." It is necessary to remind ourselves of the fundamental fact that the language of man is a vehicle not merely of subjective expression, but also, and primarily, of objective truth. In all three versions he enters the final battle without his tunic: "Der Waffenrock ist im Schlosse ver- brannt, der Brief und das Rosenblatt einer fremden Frau-" (69). The question to be answered here is not whether Rilke’s message commands respect, but whether his pronouncements are true in themselves: whether his impressive account of life and death, of humanity and personal relations really corresponds to the truth. He was convinced that he was the bearer of a message which had been “dictated” to him from a source which could only be described as “religious.” He wrote to von Huléwicz: “And am I the one who can give the right explanation of the Elegies? Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke ist der Titel einer kurzen Erzählung von Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926). Dezember 1926 im Sanatorium Valmont bei Montreux, Schweiz; eigentlich: René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke) war ein österreichischer Lyriker deutscher und französischer Sprache. Copyright © 2020 Zu Lust? And this at a time when I was already prepared for another great work and already occupied with it. Thus, the act of writing, retrospec- tively stylized to the outcome of the furor poeticus, is just as much a parable of the youth- ful movement as Christoph's career itself. The inspiration came to him in a strange fashion while he was living in the castle of Duino on the Adriatic in 1912. He taught theology and philosophy at the University of Berlin, University of Tübingen, and University of Munich. Since no truly different text satisfying the norms of his new view on art could be extrapolated from the Jugendstil of Cornet, the versions of 1904 and 1906 only undertook to master this form and its rules, taming extravagances and smoothing major stylistic flaws. Die Weise Von Liebe Und Tod Des Cornets Christoph Rilke Und Andere Prosagedichte xizu 287 Comment 287 Comment Rilke's Cornet shows an artist mastering time, space, and thought in the moment of solitary creation in which, represents the initiating influence of poetry on the developing artist. (Tagebucher [I9731 34). " Whether garland or bow, the tertium cornparationis is the form of a closed, completed entity, a model for aesthetic unity as well as wholeness, for which Rilke certainly cannot claim originality. . Confronted with its immense popularity, criticism approached the book in a threefold way: it tried to root the success of the text in its suggestive and popular images as well as in its striking tonality; it attempted to trace the story of the young Cornet back to its historical sources; or it undertook to analyze thematic complexes and their meta- phorical manifestation, such as erotic love or the role of motherhood..' Needless to say, all three approaches are worth pursuing. Cornet is interesting not as a book or warfare, bravery, and heroism but as an aesthetic exemplification of the nature of art itself. Rilke thus demands more from his reader than appreciation of the beauty of his verses or comprehension of great thoughts. But the smaller circle of devotees recognized the Elegies and the Sonnets to Orpheus as the work of the real Rilke who also expressed himself in the Later Poems . Spork ernennt Rilke zum Cornet, zum Fahnenträger. There, in February 1922, his inspiration returned with an almost elemental violence which compelled him to write again. Likewise, Rilke's imaginary ancestor Christoph leaves the insignia of his early poetic vocation behind as he approaches his creative peak. It is a work which conveys some idea at least of the complexity, and also the constant vulnerability of Rilke’s inner life. Ganz in Eisen, groß. Romano Guardini (1885–1968) was a Catholic priest, professor, and author. Rhythmically organized variations of spe- cific elements- floral ornaments, for exam- ple-were formal elements of which Jugendstil was especially fond. We must also bear in mind the fact that his picture of life was colored, to a far greater extent than is at first apparent, by his interest in the occult. To some extent, they were different in kind. They often seem more receptive than any to the man- nerisms and cliches of their age, particularly to those that their later work will reject most forcefully. Sie entstand unter dem Titel Der Cornet nach Angaben des Autors innerhalb einer Nacht im Jahr 1899 in der „Villa Waldfrieden“ in Berlin-Schmargendorf. Widely recognized as one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets, Rainer Maria Rilke was unique in his efforts to expand the realm of poetry through new uses of syntax and imagery and in an aesthetic philosophy that rejected Christian precepts and strove to reconcile beauty and suffering, life and death. He wrote to Xaver von Moos about the Sonnets:[7]. An Exploration ofhis Earliest Poetry (New Haven: Yale UP, 1970), esp. Dem Vorschlag Magda von Hattingbergs, den “Cornet“ zu vertonen, stimmt Rilke trotz aller Vorbehalte, da er „vom Zusammenschluss von Text und Musik nicht überzeugt“ ist, letztendlich zu. The comparison between the art of storytelling and the girl's weaving of flowers into a garland in the text exactly resembles the imagery Rilke used in his letter to Gudrun Baroness of Uexkiill. The present investigation can only follow this course a short distance, for our criteria are primarily philosophical. It may be added that critics of his poetry were never lacking. this seems to me to have more than personal significance. This is the overture to Christoph's apotheosis as an artist as well as the joyful approval of the accomplishment of his death. The view of the Middle Ages was no different. Slowness and pensive- ness, solemnity and determination- terms Rilke used in his diary to designate poetic activity. The Cornet moves into the center of the circle, the ultimate metaphor of creative productiv- ity; he enters a mode of existence that the artist shares with the product of his work. [2] See Rilke’s letter to Witold von Huléwicz of November 13, 1925. It reflects hopes and fears, experiences of Good and Evil, and inner searchings which are very much with us today. Rilke, Samtliche Werke, vol. For there can be no doubt that a poet’s work expresses much more than subjective experience, unless of course he is by nature incapable of progressing beyond his subjectivity. One other feature of the Elegies calls for mention. . Rilke's many allu- sions to Cornetas a manifestation of his youth- ful production should challenge the interpreter to read this piece not only as a prose-poem on the youth of its protagonist but primarily as an illustration of the outstanding relation- ship between youth and art -or art as youth. Its meaning is not confined to the age of the hero Chri- stoph Rilke; it encompasses the process of writing the prose-poem itself, which Rilke paraphrased in the same letter in a poem dedi- cated to Schreier's daughter Eva: . Rather than a story, Rilke suggests, the text presents nothing but an onslaught, a surge and crush- in other words, nothing but pure movement whose end appears to be an end in itself, since it turns out to be self-consuming: ". In other words it allows us to scrutinize the subjective truth of a literary work—to discover whether or not it is genuine in feeling and pure in expression—but not whether it is objectively true in reflecting the nature of Being. mir ist, als genugten sie, mein Inneres mit einem lauteren gleichmuthigen Glanz zu erfiillen, sie sind so recht Lampen in ihrn, ruhige Lam- pen. In his "Florence diary" he fervently fosters the idea of artistic self-sufficiency and autonomy. '"ainer Maria Rilke, Samtliche Werke (Wiesbaden: Insel, 1955-66), vol. It is especially clear from the deliberate contrast which he drew between the message of the Elegies and Christianity. And it wdl hardly astonish that "youth" is the first concept to be presented in this enumeration of terms, which then amplify the meaning of youth, the axiom of Rilke's early artistic production. This neglect of the truth which a work contains may be permissible in the case of poetry which is subjective in character, but not when the poet in question seeks to present a coherent picture of the world, and least of all when he has a message to proclaim. Posts will be collected here as they are published. And yet he fails to assess the character of the work in its entirety, for the text's indebtedness to Jugendstil is not confined to some of its formal fea- ture~.~. "Oft habe ich so grolje Sehnsucht nach mir. Now, at the closure of the nar- rative movement, the protagonist himself be- comes enclosed in it: Der von Langenau ist tief im Feind, aber ganz allein. According to the passage quoted, a text is successful if it allows for a kind of perception that is not concerned with the meaning of the work but is led by its overwhelming formal quality. Jun 27 2020. For Rilke, Cornet is self-contained rhythm, as it were- a line playfully drawn, represent- ing what he had called the "movement of ado- lescence." Rilke’s “Angels” only take on their full meaning if we can conceive of beings who are “numinous” without being “absolute.” Rilke’s conception of love and death, which he himself regarded as a fundamental part of his message in the Elegies,[2] is quite remote from more normal notions of these things. . Es ist eine große Ehre für den jungen Mann. Nicht angestrengt, gezwungen, auf den Zehen: ruhig und klar wie eine Land- schaft. This view of the process of creation corre- sponds precisely to Christoph Rilke's mode of "ringing a space" around him. This same poet who had things of such importance to say about the end of our own age was also a prophet of things to come. . .I5, Rilke employs the image of the "Becher" most consciously. We do not need to read his Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge as autobiography. Wie ein Morgen kommt jede Klarheit hinter jeder Nacht.". . Ein Deutscher offenbar. [1] See Selected Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1902–1926, p. 323ff. "Rhythm" characterizes the nature of the en- tire piece: La seule qualite de ce poeme de jeunes- se: c'est-a-dire le rythme tout interieur, le rythme du sang qui le traverse, qui le porte, qui l'entraine d'un bout a I'autre, sans qu'il y ait un moment d'hesitation ou d'incertit~de.~. 19. und 20. Also ich finde schon, dass im Cornet einiges verherrlicht wird, was eine Verherrlichung nicht verdient, nicht nur Soldatentum, auch Nationalismus/Rassismus und eine bestimmte Ausprägung von Machismo. Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke ist der Titel einer kurzen Erzählung von Rainer Maria Rilke.Sie entstand unter dem Titel "Der Cornet" nach Angaben des Autors innerhalb von einer Nacht im Jahr 1899 in der "Villa Waldfrieden" in Berlin-Schmargendorf.Eine überarbeitete Version schenkte er 1904 Stefan Zweig, auf ihr basierte die Buchververöffentlichung von 1906. Analyse und Interpretation Paradoxically, it arises from a specifically modern sense of insecurity which makes us shrink from dealing with truth in the objective sense and restricts us to subjective experience and interpretation. Inhalt. We might say that he claimed “authority” for them. las und war voller Sarnmlung und voll reiner Haltung im Geiste, draurjen der Park: alles war Einklang zu mir, eine jener Stunden, gar nicht gebildet, sondern nur gleichsam ausgespart, als ob die Dinge zusammentraten und Raum gaben, einen Raum, unberiihrt wie ein Roseninnres, einen angelischen Raum, in dem man sich still halt. To me they are perhaps the most mysterious and, in the way they were revealed and imposed on me, the most enigmatic dictation which I ever endured and achieved. 5 and 7, Ullmann apparently thought of an orchestral melodrama first, it was only later that the note "for recitant and orchestra or piano" was added. Ich weilJ, der Weg ist noch lang; aber in meinen besten Traumen sehe ich den Tag, da ich mich empfangen werde." . We do not need to read his Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge as autobiography. The Cornet's development, his "youthful movement," is essentially influenced by the French marquis who figures as the good friend on the level of plot and who, on the level of aesthetic self-referentiality discussed here, set to words. Rainer Maria Rilke's relationship to Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Chri- stoph Rilke remained, as is well known, a very problematic one.
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